Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Bits and Bolts new game! :D

Hey guys, details on the new game right here from Krauqy! Its my first time playing the game, so I really needed to look closely at the game to make my guide for you guys! Here is the *exciting* opening for the game!
Here are the instructions - I had to look at them meself! (hehe) :)
So, we basically just need to use our simple maths to find combinations! Bolts will fall from the top of the screen, and we need to get the correct combo. To find the needed combination, is a little blue pixel following our mouse! So as shown at the top right of our instructions, the blue pixel is labelled '3', and the bolts in red and yellow add up to 3, right? right. 'Nuff said.
Here is some gameplay from the beginning of the game. :) pretty graphics, right? :D I failed a bit though, look at that low level and low score. :S I kept on going until I had to have me dinner, xD , and I got up to level 8! :D
Yay! Go me! xD Have fun on the game, but for now,
Bye guys,
~Kruuqy! XD

New Dance Lounge!

Hey guys Krauqy here, with the AWESOME update of the new dance lounge! CP has changed this whole room COMPLETELY. Here is the full view of the room! :D
Pretty awesome, right? Here are some notable changes:
1. The decor! The floor and the walls are so much more livelier! Although they should be, considering it is a dance lounge! I love the spiral floor! xD

2.New game! Bits and Bolts! Okay, so of course you gotta've noticed the new game! I'll have a post on this game a bit later, so stay tuned! ;)

3. Brand new furniture! The chairs and tables have been revamped, and there are a couple of stools near the arcade games. Not to mention a drinks machine, *yum!* and Hit The Target!

4. Its not really a great update, but I love the neon lights on the wall, they're awesome! ;)

Have fun with the awesome new additions!
Catch ya later!
~Krauqy! :P

Field Ops #38!

Woo! Its this weeks edition of FIELD OPS from Krauqy! xD We're up to 38, and here is the guide! =) Obviously start by reporting to EPF HQ to get our field op from G! :D
Turn our attention to crabs? Woo, I love crabs! =D Anywayz, lets find the location of our field-op! Head to the cave, and waddle on over to the middle window! Our little phone's gonna start ringing! Yay! Game time! xD

The game this week is Crack The Code! A pretty simple trial-and-error game! =)
Woo! I cracked the code! Go me! xD Ooh lookie, we got a message from Rookie! (that rhymed! :D)
So, our signal was from a crab! Rookie's gonna try 'n' translate that, well good luck to you Rookie! :S 
Bye for now! :D
~Krauqy! :)

Monday, 28 March 2011

Box Dance! =D

Hey guys, Krauqy here. :) I was dancing around CP today with my cool box, and I turned literally into a box! Check my funky moves out! ;)
Have fun and stay silly this AprilFools! :P 
~Krauqy! :3

Friday, 25 March 2011

Yellow and White Puffle pins!

There are two new puffle pins on the island! The yellow puffle pin is at the mine, the white puffle pin is in the book room!

=) Next week its orange and brown!


April Fools party scavenger hunt cheats!

Here are the cheats to the scavenger hunt!

You get a free box item, which means you are allowed to go to the 'Strange dimension'!


April fools party 2011!

The April fools party is here!

There is a scavenger hunt! I will post the scavenger hunt cheats soon (Probably a video). To get the free item, go to the dock and throw paint (Snowballs) at the canvas until the free item pops up! The Purple Propeller hat!

A new propeller hat! YAY! Be sure to check out the awesome rooms in the box dimension!


Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Field-Op #37 walkthrough!

April Fools Party Login Screen!

There is a new login screen for the April Fools party! It has the April fools logo, with a never ending loading thingy, and funny phrases come up under it!

I like this login screen! =D Also, it looks as if the blue propeller hat is going to be back this year!


Monday, 21 March 2011

The Proto-Bots new message!

The Proto-bot has sent us all a new message! It is not good at all!

"Attention EPF. As of now, I am jamming all communication frequencies. Without it, your destruction is assured."

Oh noesicles! What shall we do?


Friday, 18 March 2011

1 Year Anniversary Party!

Code 1: (Won by Cornettofeeling http://prntscr.com/1nl6)
Code 2: (Won by Hmahfooth http://twitpic.com/4bkf7y)
Extra code 1: (Won by iYeehFR http://twitpic.com/4bki63
GOLD CJW code: (Won by 3 different people!)

Hey guys! Coolgem here! You may not realize this, but on March the 23rd, this site is going to be 1 year old! A whole year!

I think we should party on Clubpenguin for this! The time, date and server are below.

Sunday 20th March
12:00 PM PST
Snow Forts

There will be a giveaway afterwards. If you are on twitter, you can spread the word about our party by clicking here. There is also a chance to get extra codes for the giveaway! If more than 15 people come, i will add another CJW code to the giveaway. If 20 people tweet this i will add another. If we reach 27,000 just before the giveaway starts i will add another. Me, Krauqeitreb and Pinguoo6 hope to see you there! Bye! =)


New message from Gary!

Gary has sent us all a new message about the clue we discovered!

"We've discovered an important clue in Herbert's plans. He may have more crab accomplices working for him than just Klutzy. More info soon."

Oh nosicles!


Club Penguin Times #283

The newspaper has been delivered to our penguins! Check this:

The april fools party is coming early! March 25th! YESH! Rookie found it... Lolz. Theres also new costumes coming soon, and squidzoid VS shadow guy and gamma girl on at the stage!


Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Message from the Director!

The Director has sent us a message on our spy phones!

"Agents, make sure you complete your Field-Ops quickly this week. We may have discovered some unsettling information about Herbert's accomplices."

Check out Field-Op #36 for the cheats to that :) Herbert has a new plan? Finally!


Monday, 14 March 2011

Puffle Launch Stamps!

There are a number of stamps to accompany the new Puffle Rescue game!

I have experienced a number of glitches with these stamps! I do not have the 'Begin build' stamp when i have built the entire first canon! Anyway, check these out next time your on. Some of them are quite difficult to earn!


Field-Op #36 walkthrough!

We must investigate Dots message of a crab sighting!

Field-Op #36 walkthrough!

We must investigate Dots message of a crab sighting!

To the ice rink! *Duhnuhduhnuhnuuuuh!* This is the place! The booth titled 'Sports'.

New mini game again! Crack the lock! Listen to the tempo of the beat then repeat it! This is quite tricky! Tip: Just try listening to the beat instead of matching of the squares.

*Looks inside locker 77* A note! It says:

'Protobot - I think those pesky penguins are on to us. They must have decrypted our messages!

For now, only send messages with the crabs. We have to take down the EPF communication system!'

Goof luck wi that Herbie! So they are now using crabs to communicate... Okay...


Puffle Launch!

Puffle Launch is here! It is a pretty cool game! You can find it in the pet shop.

Once you click the canon and select to play, you can choose which of your puffle you will be playing with! I am bringing my Brown puffle, Inventor!

This is the level select screen!

Choose a level and then play! Press the space bar to fire out of the green canons! Blue canons shoot you automatically. Soon you learn how to move your puffle and use Red and Purple canons. You have to get as much Puffle-O's as you can, and then go to the big puffle-O! Look at Inventor go!

Even the shy White Puffles like it!

As you earn more Puffle-O's you will unlock new canon pieces! When you get them all you will get a canon in your igloo inventory, which you can put in your igloo! You can then play Puffle Launch from your home!

I LOVE this game! It is a great addition to the pet shop!


Dot sends us a new message!

There is a new message from Dot in our spy phones!

"Heads up - I was disguised as a soccer ball at the Stadium, and I saw a crab rushing around. I suggest we investigate."

o_o Better go check it out!


Saturday, 12 March 2011

Rookie Replies to G!

Rookie has replied to the message Gary sent us yesterday!

"You can count on me! I haven't given away any classified information for weeks!"

Keep up the good work? No but seriously, if Herbert finds anything out Rookie's fired.


Friday, 11 March 2011

Better Igloos March - April catalog cheats!

The new fairly Irish version of the better igloos catalog can now be accessed in our igloos!

Oooh cake =) Here is the first three new cheats! Click the top of the Mint chip chair to get the HD TV, The middle of the Neapolitan lamp to get the candy stash and the ring in the double dunk chair to get the Marshmallow!

On the next page, click the coin next to wishing well - 500 to get the penguin gnome, the middle of the wishing well to get the portal box, the cloud to get the clover balloon and the word clover to get the clover.

Thats all the new cheats! Theres quite a few this time!


Club Penguin Times #282

Puffle Launch is coming! The newspaper gives us details on the new game that will test your puffles courage. Click the images below for bigger versions.

Cool beans x] Enter the igloo contest! Good luck :)


Purple and Pink Puffle pins!

Two new pins have been released to the island! One pink puffle, one Purple. The Pink is at the Cove and the Purple is at the Pizza parlour.

Cool pins! I guess its White and yellow next :P


Gary tells us not to tip off Herb!

Gary has told us not to tip off Herb that we can see his messages! Be careful Rookie...

"Be careful this week not to tip off Herbert about the hidden message we found. Rookie - please be extra careful. Don't worry, this channel is secure."

Okey doke *Sends message to Herb telling him about everything*. Whoops.


Thursday, 10 March 2011

Puffle Launch V2?

Some of you have seen the leaked events image for things that will happen in Club Penguin. If you haven't, here it is.

(Click for full image). Anyway, it has already said about Puffle launch and Tech gear and a bunch of other stuff, but i was going over it and noticed something a little odd. In the top right corner, next to some unreadable text, there is a bit of small writing which i think says Puffle launchV2. I have shown it to you below, along with the original puffle launch bit.

It looks like it as above (And possibly to do with) something called 'UGC'. I have no idea what this means, but the Puffle LaunchV2 is outside the month boxes, so it could come at any time. What do you think Puffle LaunchV2 could mean? An update? A new puffle added? Or, something new for puffles, and it has nothing to do with the game. Tell me your theories in the Comment section!
