Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Field-Op 9

1. First of all you need to teleport into HQ and walk over to the field op screen

2. When you have walked over to the Feild-OP screen a message will appear from Gary The Gadget Guy saying: Someone has been tampering with the island's coin supply. We must handle this situation quickly!.
Investigate the island's cash registers.Fix the one that sets off your spy phone Good luck!

3.Next you have to press accept and open your map. When you have opened your map you have to click on the room that looks like a football pitch

4.After you press the room you will shortly appear in the football pitch. Walk over to the cash register and stand behind it.

5.When you stand behind the cash register your spy phone will vibrate and a green light will appear on it. Click it

6.When you click your spy phone a screen should appear with the instructions on for your mini-game all you have to do is match the picture on the bottom of the sceen and match it with one of the four pictures on the top of the screen and you can match it by moving the picture left and right by pressing your left and right buttons on your computer/laptop

(Here is a picture from the mini-game)

7.When you have completed the mini game you will get a screen up saying you won a medal and if you are a member you can buy agent gear and if you are not you can still buy earphones for your penguin

8.lastly don't forget to have a game of football and have some fun around the island

I will be back next week for feild-op 10


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