Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Game updates!

Hi guys! Club Penguin has updated some games and added ice fishing and pizzatron 300 stamps! The updated games are Ice fishing, Pizzatron 3000 and cart surfing!

And here are the stamps! I have earned all ice fishing stamps because, well, im awesome :D

I like these new stamps! The pizzatron 3000 ones are hard though!


Thursday, 14 April 2011

The Toontown Clerics

The Toontown Clerics are a group of toons who can join together to help each other beat the VP, CEO, CFO, CJ or simply to help with toontasks. I, Fiery Fizzlepop, will also post stories and other things here. I hope you enjoy and join the Toontown Clerics!

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Site down for major issues

Starting tomorrow, the site will be down as i have some bad stuff going on at home and i seriously need to sort it out. I also have to sort out this sites files, which will make it quicker on my PC. You might have noticed that nobody has been posting anything (Apart from Krauqy at the beginning :D) so i don't really see the point on this site being open. It will be closed from tomorrow (Any time) 'till April 22nd.

To all contestants of Riddle time with Pinguoo6:

The contest will resume on the 22nd, so check back for the results of round 1 then!

When we resume activity all posts will be bang up to date and posted on time, so you can look forward to that :) Bye for now!


Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Riddle Time With Pinguoo6-Round 1

Ladies and gentleman boys and girls welcome to the gameshow thats Cracka'lackin
Riddle Time With Pinguoo6!

Yes were here today to kick start the brand new show on the block. We have our audience, we have our contestents and we have Pinguoo6 so lets start with week 1 Round 1

Riddle 1:
This place is a crazy place
it is sad, happy, adventures, daring and freaky
it is home to a snail, a squidsoid even a blubbing fish
this is the place where emotions are expresed
and the place where some people break up a swet

Today im feeling merry for the hat im wearing is jolly
With a ho ho here and a ho ho there
special gifts at a certain time
a festive hat with lots of cheer
but only comes once a year

Clue picture:

even if your not a contestent have a try and guess for yourself

Thank you for a great end to our first show join me on sunday for our results show . I've been Pinguoo6 You've been you Goodnight!

Can you guess what room im in and what hat im wearing? Comment by Sunday to get your points and want to win extra points scroll down and find out how to!


The Contestants

The final contenders are in and i am pleased to announce that we have enough contestents to let the quiz go ahead the contestents for Riddle time with Pinguoo6 are...






Are you all ready the 1st Round is going up in the next 30 minutes


Riddle time with Pinguoo6 starting tonight and guidelines

Riddle time with Pinguoo6 will be starting tonight with round 1 we have 5 contestants which mean that we only need two more contestents before this evning to raise the prize fund to 2 codes. Please scroll down for the guidelines

The quiz will be fairly straight forward
Evrey week on a tuesday(Uk)there will be 1 round. There will be 8 rounds in total

Evreyweek you will get a riddle and a clue to help you with the answer. The answer will be what room i am in that week and for bonus what hat i am also wearing (It will be in the riddle as well.

You will get from the tuesday (Uk) to the sunday (UK) to guess. On the sunday the points will be collected and shown with the answer

After all 8 rounds the top two will battle it out on one last riddle path to win the prize (will post more about that later)

Have fun! enjoy yourself!

The Points will work like this:

If you get the riddle/answer right you will get 20 points
If you get the bonus correct (What hat im wearing) you will get 10 points

If you send a picture of you in that room im in with that hat im wearing as well you will get 40 Points! you will have to send the picture to and your picture will also be shown on the blog that week!

If your the first to comment your answer Right or Wrong you get 5 Points!

you will need to comment your answer on the post (it will not be posted untill the sunday).

so that is all you need to know about riddle time with Pinguoo6
Good Luck to all the contestants
Don't forget round 1 will be up tonight and more contestents can enter until then so good luck

Monday, 11 April 2011

New Igloo Catalog!

Hey guys, Krauqy here with the new igloo catalog.
Cheat 1!
Click the flower petal from the window basket to get the spiral coffee tree!
Click the rock on the waterfall pond to get the potted plant!
Click on the carrot leaf to the right to get the ficus plant!
On this one click the fourth picket in the fence to get Snake Grass. =)

Thats all; for previous cheats check out the rest of the website! Happy planting for Earth Day! :D
~Krauqy! :)

The Quiz show and more Prizes

Although we only have 3 contestants the quiz will still go ahead. The First Round will begin tomorrow!
If you tell your buddies about the quiz the prizes will go up just get your buddy to comment there penguin name

Here is how it will work

3 Contestents- 1 code
7 contestents- 2 codes
15 contestents-3 codes
30 contestants- 4 codes
You have to today to get those codes/contestants so go go go


Sunday, 3 April 2011

A new Quiz show

A new quiz show will be on this blog starting next week. the name is...


I will describe a riddle to you and you have to guess the room im in. Plus you will get a picture to help you. This quiz will last over a series of weeks and the more you get right the more your points will rack up and at the end of the series the penguin who has the most points will win a special surprise gift (Which has a code in in).Hurry Limited spaces avalible and going fast

To sign up for this quiz please comment below your penguin name.

A new Quiz show

A new Quiz show

Spy Phone Blank Glitch and new book coming soon

About an hour ago i logged on to cp to find that my spy phone was conpletly blank

Nothing . I hope cp fixes this soon.
Let me know if it is just me or if it is evreyone.

Also dont forget the new search and find book will be coming out soon. Club penguin have been planning this one for some time (Check earlier posts for previous in formation). It is now sceduled o come out in the uk May 11th 2011

Neat isn't it. I also have a few sneak preview pictures from the book

I cant wait for the release of the new book.
Tell me what you think of the book
P.s Sorry about not posing for ages. Other things got in the way.

Friday, 1 April 2011

April 2011 catalog cheats!

Woo! April's catalog is out and its time to shop! Lets get to work on the new cheats for this edition then! =)
The first cheat is for the Viking Helmet! :)
To get the red viking helmet:
1. Click on the bucket of blue paint thats about to spill.
2.Tadaaa! xD
For blue:
1. Get the red viking helmet up.
2. Close and open it up 3 times.
3. Voila! Ze blue viking helmet will have appeared in front of your eyes. 
Yay! Bunny stuff! For the bunny ears, click on the helium tank.
For the White Cocoa Bunny Costume, click on the pointy rock at the back of our space scene. x]
For the cowgirl wig, click on the moon in the corner! (sorry this one isn't circled, my laptop was playing up xD )
For the Cocoa Bunny Ears, click on the barrel next to the penguin. =)
For the Cocoa Bunny Costume, click on the bottle of soda next to the bunny penguin! =)

That's it! I like this edition of the catalog, but I already have all the old items! :( Anyway, for the rest of the catalog, check back on our website! 
~Krauqy! x]

Exciting new opportunity! EXCLUSIVE!

Hey guys! I have some AWESOME news for you all! A lot of blogs will be posting this soon, i'm surprised they haven't already, but this is the first site to post this awesome exclusive! Basically, you can sign up for this thing called 'Club Penguin Exclusive', which is Club Penguin... in 2007! Everything is the same! Even the old PSA HQ is back!

Once you sign up, a free green beret gift will be delivered to your real CP account. It is soo AWESOME! Look out for me waddling around in the server 'Exclusive berg'. This is the sign up link: Sign up quick, there are only 100 spaces available, and im number 52! Gogogo! =)
