Riddle time with Pinguoo6 will be starting tonight with round 1 we have 5 contestants which mean that we only need two more contestents before this evning to raise the prize fund to 2 codes. Please scroll down for the guidelines
The quiz will be fairly straight forward
Evrey week on a tuesday(Uk)there will be 1 round. There will be 8 rounds in total
Evreyweek you will get a riddle and a clue to help you with the answer. The answer will be what room i am in that week and for bonus what hat i am also wearing (It will be in the riddle as well.
You will get from the tuesday (Uk) to the sunday (UK) to guess. On the sunday the points will be collected and shown with the answer
After all 8 rounds the top two will battle it out on one last riddle path to win the prize (will post more about that later)
Have fun! enjoy yourself!
The Points will work like this:
If you get the riddle/answer right you will get 20 points
If you get the bonus correct (What hat im wearing) you will get 10 points
If you send a picture of you in that room im in with that hat im wearing as well you will get 40 Points! you will have to send the picture to pinguoo6@googlemail.com and your picture will also be shown on the blog that week!
If your the first to comment your answer Right or Wrong you get 5 Points!
you will need to comment your answer on the post (it will not be posted untill the sunday).
so that is all you need to know about riddle time with Pinguoo6
Good Luck to all the contestants
Don't forget round 1 will be up tonight and more contestents can enter until then so good luck