Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Field-Op #3 walkthrough!

The new field-Op is here! Calling all agents! We've detected an old PSA spy phone lost near a large light bulb. It must not be found by herbert! Search the island for the phone, then destroy it by overloading its circuits! Here is how you do it:

1: Accept the field-Op

2: Go to the cave mine.
3: Go to the big light bulb.
4: Your phone will ring. answer it.

5: The puzzle is the same as the first one! Complete it by matching the shapes.

Congratulations, you have successfully completed Field-Op #3! Collect your medal!

Its still a cool thing, but please have something NEW club penguin! Also, this field-Op explains the lightbulb pin. Maybe more Pins will be linked to field-Ops, in future!



  1. Gem! Great news! I have Flare. My friend got the game but had two codes! Was the packer blind? LOL! And he gave it to me! When I get my code I'll have to give it to my sis. When she gets hers she'l give it to a friend, who'll give hers to a friend and so on. LOL! Anyway, I can film Penguin Who now! I need filming times though.

  2. great! as you can see in one of these pics, i have flare too! Including pinguoo6, that makes 3 of us, and thats JUST what i need! I will message you on the wiki when we are filming :) what time zone are you in?
