Wednesday, 31 March 2010

April fools cooliosis cheats!

ok! pinguoo6 found this really cooliosis cheat! look!

If you keep clicking the lights, the background changes! thanks pinguoo6!

I found another hidden thing! click the small mountain in the ski village and...

Happy april fools day!

New catalouge cheats!

I have the new catalouge cheats here! they are:

click the coffe cup to get the red viking helmet (4 times for blue viking helmet)

click on the purple dance square for the green face paint!

Click on the tree under the drill to get the cocoa bunny ears!

Click on the letter "G" in penguins at work, to get the cocoa bunny costume!

well thats all. i really like the new drill!

April fools party is here!

The april fools party has finally arrived! It is really cool! if you go to the members only room, you can get the king jesters hat!

To get the red cap thingy, go to the dock and throw paint at the canvas until you get a treasure chest. a spring will pop up with the cap on it!

I am rather annoyed, as this is an old item and it was rare and now it is not. i got it back in 2006! :) Also, a new catalouge was released today! and there is a new drill which makes trees ( the one we voted for )!

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Club penguin new reviewed by you!

There is a new reviewed by you on the club penguin blog! last week club penguin asked what is the best party you have ever created and Sparklydo said:

The best party I have ever had was a camping site right in my igloo! You could steer a ship in the ocean,be on a deserted island,But did I mention the ocean was full of sharks?You could even get lost in the woods.There was lots more,but me and my buddies all had tons of fun! Waddle on Club Penguin!

The april fools party kicks off tommorow, and there will be surprises in store...

This week club penguin would like to know about the time you and your buddies went exploring. what did you find?

Monday, 29 March 2010

April fools party update!

hey peeps! club penguin released a new sneek peek of the club penguin april fools party!

This is what they said about it:

It's coming fast - the annual April Fool's Party happens in Club Penguin starting April 1st! The team's been working to make lots of funny things all over the island. There'll be jokes - some practical and some not - and loads of surprises. Also, members will be able to check out an area where they'll have the chance to show off their joke telling skills...

cooliosis! what are you looking forward too?

Penguin play awards winner!

well penguins, looks like quest for the golden puffle won the play awards! i am surprised! i wanted squizoid to win! here are the results:

Best play
golden puffle

Best costume

Best music
golden puffle

Best effects
golden puffle

Best set
golden puffle

Golden puffle won nearly everything! The results are in the booth in the plaza. i really wanted squizoid to win lol :)

Penguin play awards winner!

well penguins, looks like quest for the golden puffle won the play awards. :) more info comming soon!

Sunday, 28 March 2010

New mission sneak peek! I wish!

hey penguins! mimo777 has started up a campaign to try and get billybob to show another sneak peek of the upcomming mission! click on this link to go there:

we are here to back him up! sign here and i will post updates on mimo's blog about how we are doing!

Saturday, 27 March 2010

interview with billybob!

hey penguins! today i found an interview with billybob! he mentions that there might be a club penguin movie... how would that work out? i can just imagine fred the penguin searching for his lost puffle and meeting aunt arctic along the way! it might be good though... anyway, here is the interview:

:) pretty cool!

Friday, 26 March 2010

Cupcake pin!

hey penguins! club penguin released a new pin, the cupcake pin. it can be found in the sports shop:

in other news, three new igloo music tracks came out today! what do you think of them?

Thursday, 25 March 2010

Club Penguin Times #232

well, lots is going on in club penguin this week! the winning penguin play will be on at the stage on march 30th, so cast your vote by march 28th!
in other news, the april fools party will be here april 1st! woop woop!

i cant wait for this wacky, fun festival! also, the mine caves are here to stay! yay!

Wednesday, 24 March 2010


hey penguins! i have uploaded trackers to the right hand side of the wesite. did you notice them? here they are again.
aunt arctic tracker:

cadence tracker:

hope you find them :)

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

April fools sneak peak!

Hey penguins! This is my blog! hopefully one day, it will be really popular, but for now, i will have to work hard! my penguin name is coolgem50, i am old, and april fools is the best thing ever created! i made this blog 5th january 2010, but all the posts seem to have dissapeared. march is quickly comming to a close, and you know what that means: april fools! i have a sneak peak of the forest:

it looks like the forest will be literally turned upside down! in other news, the penguin play awards are still going strong, and guess what. i met aunt arctic AND cadence! i maneged to get a screenshot of cadence's player card:

what do you think of the penguin play awards?

April fools sneak peak!

march is quickly comming to a close, and you lucky penguins know what that means! april fools day is quickly approaching! here is a sneak peak:

wow! looks like the forest will be turned upside down! in other news, the penguin play awards is still going, and i am proud to admit that... i met DJ cadence AND aunt arctic! :) i got a pic of cadence: